code of conduct

Last updated: 03/03/2023

We're in this together.

This code will evolve and be posted throughout the club. Members are asked to abide or risk expulsion from the cooperative.

1. We are all in this together. We are all owners of this cooperative. We are all caretakers of this space.

2. Lets pick up after ourselves. Pick up after others too if need be. Do your part to keep the place tidy and clean.

3. Let's not over serve ourselves. Drink responsibly. Lets get a ride home if we had one too many. If someone is drunk, intoxicated or inebriated, help them get a ride.

4. Let's connect and build community. Remember the importance of respect. Gather consent for all interactions.

5. Let's respect the neighbors. No loudness in the parking lot or anywhere outside.

6. Let's not fight. No play fighting, or talking about fighting, and no threats of fighting.

7. Let's not let our phones distract us from the moment. No pictures or videos inside the social club.

8. Let's not smoke or bring illegal substances inside our place.
